Friday, November 27, 2009

Absolute Zero United: Bitter Issues

Bitter Issues

Sosen is finally admitting they were affiliating with Nambla and yet they still can't even name them. Why is that? Is it because this is merely a desperate attempt to change their bad reputation and they know they must say SOMETHING but can't bring themselves to say that the RSOL - Reform Sex Offender Laws Campaign is the modern Nambla and WARN other sex offenders who may be taken in by them?

Excellent article. Please visit AZU and read the rest of this amazing eye opener!

What say you now, Derek Logue?

Sosen-Sex offender solutions & education network
Rsol-reform sex offender laws ( pedo supporters)
Nambla-North American MAN-BOY love association
(pro pedo group of criminals)

Monday, November 23, 2009


Well, I am now back in the saddle and have wonderful news to share. It could be a pipe dream but I think & hope it is true & the info came from a legit source...A pro sex offender advocacy website. One of their members was kind enough to send me a screen shot of the actual thread & comments. Since I was recently out of touch with my blog, I put it aside for later use.

It seems there are now some disgusted sex offender advocates who have seen the light of truth re the RSOL pedos (Reform Sex Offender Laws) & their evil & twisted agenda and their association with NAMBLA. Here are the comments:

Topic: Banned from RSOL

"I attempted to log on to the RSOL forum last week, only to receive a message indicating that I have been banned. I've emailed them twice now to find out why this is, since I've never been in that particular forum before, but to date, they have not responded to my enquiries. Could anyone here shed some light on this for me?"

"I'm really close to severing ties with RSOL because of the way they conduct business, and their unwillingness to denounce any ties to NAMBLA."

"I'll be taking their (RSOL) link down for the same reason. They have been dancing all around the issue."

"I really wouldn't let it bother me (the ban) if I was you. There are several heavy hitters in the fight that are backing out of RSOL."

This is really really great news! I have been repeatedly bitching about the pedophile agenda & NAMBLA ties the RSOL has with SOSEN (Sex offender solutions & education network). Now finally a few sex offender advocates are admitting the NAMBLA connection!

Now you guys need to go public and spread the truth!


SOSEN Banner used under the Fair Use Doctrine
RSOL-Reform Sex Offender Laws
NAMBLA-North American Man Boy Love assoc. (pro pedophile group of criminals)