Tuesday, July 7, 2009

NAMBLA exposed


Clink the link and read all about these pedophiles who molest/rape under aged boys. NAMBLA’s website consists of disingenuous pro-pedophile propaganda intended to mislead others into believing their claims that molestation is not really harmful to young boys.

Many of NAMBLA’s members have been jailed for conspiracies, child molestation, and trafficking in child pornography; it is anyone’s guess how many additional crimes may have been committed, as many incidents of child molestation are never reported.

NAMBLA is a group of pedophiles and pedophile activists who seek to abolish age of consent laws, and encourage legislation which allows adults to have sex with children.

The following are just a very few examples:

In 1997, two NAMBLA members stalked, kidnapped, raped, tortured and murdered a 10-year-old boy, hours after accessing NAMBLA’s website from a public library.

In 2005, seven NAMBLA members were arrested in a San Diego sting operation; each of the men had paid hundreds of dollars to an undercover FBI agent to arrange a trip to Mexico to have sex with boys.

NAMBLA ‘steering committee’ member David Groat and NAMBLA associate Mark Morgan were imprisoned in Thailand, for running an orphanage in Bangkok that was really a front for a child pornography and child sex operation. Nicknamed “Club Ped”, because according to police, "If you went there, he [Morgan] would provide you with a young boy”, the orphanage was frequented by approximately 15-20 NAMBLA members and associates.

Now-former priest Paul Shanley was arrested in May 2002 for 10 counts of child rape and six counts of indecent assault and battery; the victims stated that they were just six years old when Shanley began raping them.

In 2003, elementary school teacher Thomas Reeves was convicted for multiple felony counts of sexually assaulting children who were his students. Reeves was one of NAMBLA’s founding members.

I recently exposed several SOSEN/ROAR members who have signed the RSOL petition. RSOL has several NAMBLA members who signed this petition. RSOl is pro NAMBLA!

I can understand if Linda Pherson (SOSEN CEO) and the others who signed said petition weren't AWARE at the time they were aligning along side of these pedophiles but now they know and I have to ask why linda or Betty or Lee Lee aren't demanding their names be REMOVED from the petition?

Pro pedo allies are worth it? I think not.

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